
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pinterest and a Edible Pineapple Flower Craft

Pineapple Flower, Fresh Ideas, by Renee Fontes
I have been trying to get up to speed on the Pinterest mechanics and finding it kind of confusing. I'ts like leafing through stacks of MS Living, but you can't tear out the pictures. Lot's of cool things to look at and pinning them to imaginary bulletin board (hope I'm doing it right!) and wow, I found edible art!

While learning new social network skills, I'm also learning some great food preserving skills in the Orange County Master Preservers Group. For homework 2 weeks ago we were told to dry something to show at the next class. I saw these pineapple slices on Pinterest they looked like flowers and gave it a try.

The picture I found didn't have directions but did have a series of photos that were easy enough to follow. Below is how I made these and at the bottom (I believe) is the original source for the pineapple dried flowers. Give it a try, and let me know if you have questions, suggestions or success!

Canning Jar of dried pineapple slices that look like fresh picked daisy's, by Renee Fontes
Dried flowers can be stored in a clean dry jar. They are pretty gifts, garnish and taste good too!
To make:
Cut top and bottom of pineapple.

 Trim away sides.

Notch texture on surface, this helps make petal edges.

The center of this dried pineapple slice looks just like the center of a flower! Photo by Renee Fontes

Slice thin with a sharp knife and lay on a silpat. Dehydrate at 135 until dry, but slightly pliable. It took mine 6 hours. Move from silpat to cupcake pan to help form shape.

 Allow to dry 2 more hours, place in sealed jar or container.

Drying pineapple flowers. Photo by Renee Fontes
I've tried to find the source of the original idea, best I know this is the one I pinned. Great idea!
Inspiration source-

1 comment:

  1. these are beautiful sounds like you have got pinterest to me :-)
